I had a fantastic time performing at The Dial Up in Watford at a pleasant cozy venue, with a very pleasant audience- who bought my books. The Hosts were great and accommodating, so much so that they wanted me on again in the second half! Another Poet gave me the best compliment I've received of late by saying something like "Mind if I put you in an analogy? If poetry were football you'd be Manchester United and I'll be a small team that no one knows!" What a comparison, he's actually a good himself he's just playing himself short, but I have to say that compliment had me feeling good about myself all weekend. It was just a great vibe all night, worth the journey yes indeed.
Some of my readers may recall that I posted information about appearing on Croydon Radio last month, it actually ended up being rescheduled but it was for the best. I feel jinxed when it comes to radio interviews however, at the same time I feel extremely lucky as this is the second time that the second time (booking) worked out fantastically well. I do not think that if I was able to be a guest for the original scheduled appearance that it would have turned out so well or not nearly as fun.
This was a fun interview and it was a pleasure to participate alongside another Poet Ruth Smith, reading our poems and being interviewed. Naturally this was an opportune time to promote my book of love poems with Valentine's Day approaching, but it was nice to read some poems that I normally don't get to such as Unpack which was received very well and I was also happy to read a poem by one of my favourite Poets Tupac Shakur (yes I mean 2pac the Rapper). Much like a couple of my previous interviews, I appreciated being asked questions about my publishing journey and advice to give to others. Always happy to inform and info-tain.
LISTEN to the radio's podcast featuring several of our performances via the link. I know that the second picture is blurry, I apologise but I still wanted it to go to use as I am cuter in that one than the clear wide-shot despite it not being my best day.
Remember that I am performing back at Once Upon A Mic in East London this Friday. Follow the previous link for more info.
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