Sunday, 31 May 2015

For Father's

There is something incredibly sexy about the loving visual of a man with his children, many women agree and I am sure that many men have used that to their advantage not that I blame them. It is enduring and just simply adorable, but as a fellow Poet Prentice Powell made his point in his video 'Good Father,' this should not be praised as he is just doing what he should be doing. True, however as life has it, it is debatably uncommon to see loving, responsible, consistent relationships between men and their children. Which only makes it that much more appealing and inevitable of praise when we do see it.

I wish it was the norm but it's not, I am glad to have noticed and witnessed an increase in fathers (single dads as well as dads within an unbroken home) holding hands with their children, playing with their children, holding the baby or pushing the pram while going about their day. I didn't see much of this growing up so I am loving all this. I hope the trend continues which is interesting considering the changes and current debates of modern society.

Side note; I nearly fell off my chair when I was watching Mob Wives and I saw Drita's incarcerated husband call up in the evening to do his daughter's homework with her over the phone!! I know that many children particularly boys, have lost out on having a relationship with their dad due to incarceration but what I saw on Mob Wives just showed that it is down to the responsibility of the individual to beat the odds in such situations as opposed to just allowing you and your family to suffer from it and that was beautiful to me.

I was really bothered a couple of weeks ago at the fact that leading up to Mother's Day I had tons of enquiries and orders for Mother's Day cards and yet leading up to Father's Day I had practically no orders! This was a concern of social ethics as opposed to profit. I know there are some good fathers out there that are deserving of a special gift such as what I have to offer with my Custom Poetry Greeting Cards. I can actually think of some friends of mine who would be ideal recipients due to their admirable 'hands on' parenting. It is a damn shame that the unquestionable difference in the customer behaviour that I have observed is merely a social reflection of most people's relationship with their fathers, if any relationship at all. This bothered me so much that I voiced my opinion on Facebook while giving a shout out to some of those male friends of mine that I admire.

I will not deny that many men have been absent or flat out deplorable as parents however, I have met some wonderful men that are the complete opposite. I personally know men that have raised children that weren't even theirs, lovingly as if they were their own. I also know of some men that have voluntarily been a father figure to children within their communities, uncle's that have taken on a commendable father role to their nephews and nieces and even godfathers that have more than taken their role seriously.

Men seem to automatically have a bad reputation as parents and guardians due to the negligent actions of many men prior, so it is easy for fathers to get ignored on the larger scale of things or have people be quick to bash as oppose to praise but I would like to praise all the good dads out there. I wish that the paternal instinct was stronger in general or that effort in relationships from father to child/child to father were stronger but that is just not within my power. However, what I can do is encourage it like I am doing right now.

Another person encouraging this or least trying to give young men a positive experience of a father figure is Comedian and Host Steve Harvey. He actually has a Father's Day weekend that I heard of where he runs a mentoring programme (spelt as 'program' for my American readers) for fatherless young Black men and takes them to Disney World, something like that. Check his website for more information, hopefully it'll take place this year and continue to thrive as a foundation and initiative. If you really want to have an idea of what his children think of him as a dad watch this tear-jerking video clip.

If you have a father figure in your life who you happen to have a good relationship with and would like to let them know how much that means to you then show it! It is important to say and show someone how much you value them. As much as some people think that celebrations such as Father's Day or Mother's Day are unnecessary, they so serve a good purpose. For some parents it is the only time that they can expect to be spoiled per se by their children or even spend quality time with them.

The greatness of my Custom Poetry Greeting Cards is the impact that it has on the recipients. It comes totally unexpected to them as it is an unusual gift therefore, I would suggest a sentimental, fun, loving card custom made by yours truly. Then again in saying that, not all men appreciate cards so if you don't think that your recipient will then that's ok all is not lost. Alternatively, just remember that the best things in life are FREE and there is really no better gift than just giving your time and attention.

If you are in London and stuck on where to take your father or father figure for a nice day together, then here is another little something; 'Father's Fun Day Out' which is a family event taking place Sunday 21st June 2015 1pm-6pm at Poplar Grove Community Centre, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 9DB.