Friday, 10 October 2014

On the Self-Promotion Tip

The pictures above are the images on my new promotion flyer that advertises my poetry and custom poetry card services. I've wanted to go beyond social media, business cards and just print flyers specifically for my poetry work for a while now. These include info about my blogs, current projects, social networks, booking & contact details with a cute picture to match. Might I add that it's designed by moi. I have been designing flyers, particularly for my events, for years now and it feels good to make one for myself.

So now, when I am performing at an event and I am asked what my Twitter, Facebook, website or latest projects are I can simply hand these out to answer all questions and have it stay in their mind.

Regardless of how small this may seem to some it's a big deal to me. For artists and performers self-promotion is the name of the game but it has always been something that I have shied away from. I am used to getting work through referrals and as I am quite a private person I was happy with that. However, audiences and fans want more than that and I am learning to step out of my comfort zone.

Being that I have a media and entrepreneurial background it is only natural for me to know and adopt the consistent, smart behaviour of marketing in order to promote my business however, when it comes to promoting myself by putting my pictures everywhere and creating an online presence solely focused on me.....I hesitate. I like undivided attention when it comes to my work or what I have to say but too much attention on me as a person makes me feel embarrassed or as Grandma would call me "stupidly modest." It was a huge push for get me to set up my personal blog- and post pictures! I was even late to get on Myspace (2007) but for the sake of my film work I got there! Now I am jumping on the bandwagon altogether and giving my audience what they want. Enjoy, there's more to come.

To book me for a show especially for Black History Month as well as Breast Cancer Awareness Month please get in contact: