When I say that the crowd was out for a good time they really were, although I am no stranger to making people laugh or being unintentionally comedic, my poems surprisingly had the crowd cracking up throughout which was an unexpected yet pleasant surprise. To laugh, cheer and smile is a beautiful thing that I love to experience and see from others. Glad I could be responsible for it!
I performed three poems; an emotional one regarding Mother's Day where like I stated a few blog posts ago, tears and high emotions have been the reoccurring theme the past year. One from my book which was unplanned and only happened due to the lovely Host recognising me from my play that she attended last year and quoted back her favourite lines to me! That was the highlight of my evening actually.
Lastly (well I actually performed it at the beginning of my set and it is the only one that the Promoter uploaded this time around and a good choice of the three, however I luckily recorded the audio of my entire performance to later upload onto my Soundcloud page for the visually impaired), but 'lastly' in regard to the order of information I am giving you, I performed a poem for all my chocoholics out there who will find great appreciation in the matter at hand.
As well as the joy of performing to a fantastic crowd, selling copies of my precious debut book topped the evening to great heights. It never gets old I'm telling you!
I wish the angle of the video recording was more flattering of my hairstyle and murderous outfit of which you cannot see my matching over-the-knee suede boots but alas. Self-consciousness aside, I am just glad that between the staff and myself, the joyous poetry was captured. You can watch a third of my set via the YouTube link and share with chocolate lovers in mind ;-)