In less than 24hrs we will be entering the year of 2019. There has been plenty exciting, conflicting, turbulent, goosebump raising things that have come from the past 12 months for me. There have been many personal life changing events, milestone celebrations that included the 3rd year anniversary of my book release, the 10 year anniversary of my events business
Infiniti Promotions which really had me in deep thought about everything that I have put into that venture since my university days of a struggling film student turned events entrepreneur. The ups and downs of the past decade in that regard has put a lot of things into perspective for me. I have grown a lot of which has given me much to reflect upon, and reflecting on my achievements and lessons learned are where my celebrations went as opposed to having a party as one may have expected.
2018 brought me plenty opportunities such as fun and memorable performances throughout the year, plenty business offers, unexpected sponsorship, press, as well as the ongoing pleasure of book sales and making new readers happy as seen in my growing online reviews.
There was also the 'stepping up my game' creativity of my card designs for my customers this year.
There was of course my stage play and the fortune of good reviews. Work-wise the majority of the year was based around the play considering all the pre-prduction and marketing that goes into just a 60min one-off show. It sounds ridiculous but from working in film and knowing that it takes months to years to complete just one 3min-120min production (of any kind), as well as observing my Music Producer friends take forever just to make a 3-4min track, with all that said it makes sense. Audiences just have no idea most of the time, it takes a lot of work and my word was it overwhelming being my first-time (under-staffed) and all.
The entire show including the meet 'n' greet at the end went so fast, it does make you as the Performer and Producer think to yourself "Really!" But it was fun and a "butterflying" experience despite the fact that I am used to performing all the time, the butterflies were still there. I was breaking into theatre and introducing myself into the world of Fringe so there was much to learn and absorb. The feedback was tremendous I must say, I am extremely grateful for it all :-)
Production photography by Irinia Chira.
I had the privilege of having great interviews leading up to the play between LondonTheatre1, Love Camden and
Conscious Radio.
This year had a lot going on and a lot going in general, I am glad that it has come to an end so that I can embrace my new lifestyle, mindset, thus the changes that is to come of next year. As usual I am full of goals and active planning however, unlike in the past specifically referring to my twenties, I am going to take things
slower in my thirties in order to have more enjoyment, better judgement and less anxiousness.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year ;-)