BIG UP TO ALL POETS EVERYWHERE! Especially my natural born, die hard, for the art, lover of words and meaning, thoughts and feeling Poets out there. Really, the one's that give me goosebumps whenever I hear them perform or read their words and can feel all their emotions through the page. Those people are the sh*t to me. There's no other way to get my point across to put it bluntly.
Spoken word and poetry has become such a popular form of entertainment now that it's losing its authenticity and many people are just jumping on the bandwagon just because, very much like Hip Hop since the style is similar although poetry is obviously older. My point is; what was once true and raw has become or is becoming commercial. When it becomes commercial it loses heart and it's harder to appreciate it sometimes. Some of you may understand that more than others.
I've loved poetry since I first got introduced to it as a child in primary school and have been writing poetry since I was 7yrs old so the role it plays in my life has got nothing to do with what's on trend. It became a big part of my business endeavours by inevitable circumstance although it wasn't planned. However, what I am happy about in regard to poetry getting so much shine these days is that it is being taken more seriously in the business world, publishing and academia. No longer in the back of the bookstore per se, considered to be too niche or irrelevant. Even more so, it is not ignored so much by Venue Managers, DJ's and Promoters now when you say that you want to host a Spoken Word/Poetry event. I know the struggle in that regard because I have been there but now venues (bars and clubs) are much more open to the idea of holding such event than they used to be. Now that it reaches a wider audience, there is much more opportunity now than ever before and that is wonderful.
Writers of fiction are still taken more seriously especially when it comes to awards and publishing deals however, the poetry genre has come up in recent years and the growing popularity- celebrity even, of Spoken Word Artists in particular has had a great effect on closing that gap. I have to say that if it wasn't for social media, online videos and open mic events, poetry world not be as impactful as it is today.
Either way I am happy to be a part of it, to have poetry in my life whether it be for an audience or not, even more so as one would expect I am beyond delighted and grateful that some of my poetry has been immortalised with the publishing of my book (self-publishing has also changed the game for Poets/Spoken Word Artists) and for the many books of me to come. My soul bearing, candid and oftentimes daring poetry is being appreciated, shared, purchased, critiqued and complimented by others.......still takes some getting used to but the bottom line is that it has contributed to the lives of others as well as mine, thus contributing to this day and that is what I am celebrating. Poetry has enhanced my way of life.
Again I say BIG UP to Poets everywhere. And to Poetry, may you forever have heart.